Check out the Eddie Tolan Oval at the Lexus Velodrome for all of your cardio needs. The ET Oval offers running, walking, and skating sessions to fit your schedule any day of the week. With our Digital Punch Card, you get cost-effective and hassle-free admission, schedule your spot today.
The ET Oval is a flat track that is compromised of four lanes. Two of these lanes are designated for slow-moving traffic, such as walking and running, while the other two lanes are designated for high speed activities, such as skating.
The Eddie Tolan Oval features four distinct lanes. The inner red lane covers approximately 8 laps per mile, while the outer green lane equates to approximately 7 laps per mile.
At the Lexus Velodrome we use a Digital Punch Card system. 1 punch equals 1 visit.
1 Punch Card – $5
5 Punch Card – $20
10 Punch Card – $30
Scroll down to purchase Digital Punch Card.
The first step is to purchase a digital punch card. Next, check out the schedule and reserve your spot. The digital punch card cannot be used for cycling. If you have any questions give us a call at 313-265-6725 and we’ll get you going on the right track!